Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University

6th Organic Electronic Material Technology Conference (OEMT2024; 22-25 May 2024)

Abstract Sample Layout

  • English abstracts are acceptable.
  • The abstract should be no more than 400 words long.
  • A maximum of four keywords should be specified.
  • The abstract should not include any references.
  • The abstracts presented at the symposium will be published in the "Symposium Abstracts Book".
  • The options for publishing full-text papers are organized in the relevant section on the main page.
  • The conference participation fee will be deposited into our account once the referee process for the abstract (or full text submitted prior to the conference) is completed.
  • You can submit your abstract via http://oemt2024.comu.edu.tr or by email to oemt2024@comu.edu.tr.


Download OEMT2024 abstract template